Keep Your Ice Cold and Clean In Kansas City


You likely never hear about how great your ice tastes but you’ll most certainly hear about if it doesn’t and in the Kansas City area, Capital Equipment helps keep our customers’ commercial ice machines running smooth and delivering crystal clear, clean ice to their customers and employees. From routine maintenance and cleaning to expert, professional repairs, Capital Equipment is Kansas City’s commercial ice machines experts with service that is unsurpassed in quality and promptness and this summer we’d love to help your business keep your ice bins full.

Commercial Ice Machine Service and Repair in Kansas City


When it’s hot outside, ice becomes a pretty good perk for your employees and your customers but if your ice tastes funny or your ice machine has simply quit working, it could very well cost you business and/or productivity. At Capital Equipment, we help business owners in St Joseph, Leavenworth/Lansing and the greater Kansas City area keep their commercial ice machines and ice equipment running smooth no matter what time of the year it is but summer is often our most busy time of the year. Ice machines always are working overtime during the summer months because, let’s face it, the demand for ice is always much higher but Capital Equipment can help make sure your commercial ice equipment is ready for anything with expert service, maintenance and repairs on most commercial grade ice makers. Our ice machine service technicians can routinely replace water filters and professionally clean your commercial ice equipment which more often than not are the causes of odd tasting ice as most areas of the Kansas City area have hard water which tends to build up on filters quickly. Some of the other common mistakes other commercial ice machine service and repair companies make are:

  • Improper adjustment of water pressure valves
  • Improper bridge thickness switch settings
  • Not cleaning the condenser coil
  • High room/ambient temperature
  • Not making sure the ice machine is level
  • Using the wrong refrigerant
  • Not cleaning or replacing clogged water lines


At Capital Equipment, we specialize solely in commercial ice machines and we work with hundreds of businesses big and small in the Kansas City area to make sure that their customers and employees always have the highest quality ice and most efficient running ice makers when they need it most in the summer months. If you’re commercial ice machine service and repair company in the Kansas City area isn’t quite meeting your expectations then it’s time to call Capital Equipment today at (913) 683-8972 or CLICK HERE TO CONTACT US.


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Call (913) 683-8972 for all of your ice machine and ice equipment needs in the greater Kansas City area.


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